PEAK Staff Profile

Aiko Nemoto, MA (Tsukuba/Hitotsubashi), Ph.D. (Hitotsubashi)
Associate Professor – Japanese Language

Contact: nemoto[at]


Aiko Nemoto Aiko NEMOTO completed her BA in Japanese Language and Culture and MA in Education at the University of Tsukuba. She started her teaching career in Istanbul, Turkey. During her stay in Turkey, she taught Japanese at Bogazici University for four years and at Istanbul Chamber of Commerce Anatolian Business Vocational High School for one and-a-half years. She returned to Japan and joined a Graduate Degree Program in Teaching Japanese as a Second Language at Hitotsubashi University. At the same time, she taught Japanese in some Japanese-language schools and at Seikei University in Japan, as well as at the Language Teaching Institute and Al-Bayan Education Complex for girls in Doha, Qatar, among other institutes. She also worked a NHK Science and Technology Research Laboratories to create News Web Easy as a part-time employee. After she earned her Ph.D. from Hitotsubashi University, she joined the International Christian University in 2014 and PEAK in 2017.

Research Interests

Nemoto’s research interests are concerned with Japanese language learning motivation, especially the process of choice motivation. She interviews learners of Japanese and analyzes the interview data using the modified grounded theory approach (M-GTA). Her current interest is in students in English-medium programs in Japanese universities. She is also interested in “Easy Japanese(やさしい日本語)” and studies the words and expressions peculiar to “Easy Japanese.”

Selected Publications

『日本語学習動機とポップカルチャー:カタールの日本語学習者を事例として (Japanese Language Motivation and Pop Culture: A Case Study in Qatar)』ハーベスト社, 2016
「日本の大学の英語プログラムに在籍するアジア出身学部留学生の留学先決定に関わる要因 (Factors Considered by International Students fromAsian Countries to Choose English-Medium in Degree Programs at a Japanese University)」
『小出記念日本語教育研究会記念会論文集 (Papers of the Japanese Language Teaching Association in honor of Professor Fumiko Koide)』No.25, pp.51-59, 2017.
「ソーシャルワーカーに対する『やさしい日本語』普及の試み(Introducing Easy Japanese to Medical Social Workers)」『日本語教育方法研究会誌』No.22(3), pp.74-75, 2016 (Nemoto and Tokiko SERA)
「日本のポップカルチャーが日本語学習者に与える影響: カタールの事例から (The Influence of Japanese Pop Culture on Japanese Language Learners : A Case Study in Qatar)」『文化政策研究 (Culture Policy Research)』No.7, pp.219-231, 2013
「日本語学習者の選択動機に関する一考察: 中東の日本語学習者と非日本語学習者の比較から (A study on the choice motivation for Japanese learning : A comparison between Japanese Leaners and Non-Japanese Leaners in Middle East countries)」『一橋日本語教育研究 (The Hitotsubashi Journal for Japanese Language Education)』No.1, pp.37-48, 2012